
– Primary mirror of 1.6 m in diameter
– Prime-focus optics with four wide-field correct lens
– Fork-type equatorial mount
– Delivered image quality of less than 1.0 arcsec
(Under the atmospheric seeing of 0.75 arcsec)
– Optical performance optimized in the I-band
– Drawer-style filter changer to mount four filters
(Johnson-Cousins BVRI)
– Sliding shutter with rectangular blades
– Dome of 9.2 m in diameter from ASH-DOME

– Mosaicked with four 9k by 9k e2v CCDs
– 0.40 arcsec per pixel, 2.0 by 2.0 square degree FOV
– Quantum efficiency of ~85% in V and ~80% in I-band
– Readout time of 30 seconds with 32 readout channels
(Overhead time to take one image is about 90 seconds)
– CCD chip cooled down to -110 degree Celsius
– Four frame-transfer CCDs at focal plane for guiding

Wide-field Photometric Systems

Telescope Camera FOV Site Target
PanSTARRS 1.8m × 4 1400M pixel CCD 7.0 deg2 Haleakala, USA All sky survey
MOA 1.8m 80M pixel CCD 2.4 deg2 Mt. John, New Zealand Galactic Bulge
KMTNet 1.6m × 3 340M pixel CCD 4.0 deg2 CTIO - SAAO - SSO Galactic Bulge
SkyMapper 1.35m 268M pixel CCD 5.7 deg2 SSO, Australia All sky survey
OGLE-Ⅳ 1.3m 268M pixel CCD 1.4 deg2 LCO, Chile Galactic Bulge

  Sites and Data Process

Three Southern Sites

Longitude 70°48'14.4" W 149°03'45.2" E 20°48'37.6"E
Latitude 30°10'02.0" S 31°16'16.3" S 32°22'43.9" S
Altitude 2167m 1143m 1762m
Time Zone 4 -10 -2
Seeing 0.6 ~ 1.0" 1.0 ~ 2.0" 0.8 ~ 1.4

1 / 3
2 / 3
3 / 3

  Today’s Live View


  Data Handling

– All of the raw CCD images are transferred from three southern sites to the KMTNet data center at Daejeon in Korea via network communication.
– The raw images are preprocessed by the KMTNet pipeline in the data center. It includes some basic corrections such as crosstalk, overscan, trimming, bias, and flat fielding. The WCS (World Coordinate System) information is also added at the image header to support accurate astrometric data for each target. Researchers can access the preprocessed images within ~1 day after the observation time.
– The time-series CCD images for the Galactic bulge are further processed with the DIA (Difference Image Analysis) package to detect any variable objects such as microlensing events, transiting exoplanets, eclipsing binaries, pulsating stars, and stellar flares.

776, Daedeokdae-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea (34055)
Copyright ⓒ Korea Microlensing Telescope Network All Rights Reserved